Micro-Tox is a new technique in which multiple tiny doses of Anti-wrinkle solution are placed just below the surface of the skin rather than into the belly of the muscles. This treatment is recommended for the wrinkles on the face and around the eyes. Some of the leading causes of wrinkles are UV exposure, loss of collagen and elasticity that come with age.
This technique can produce a lifting and firming effect on the skin, decreases pore size,fine lines, redness, and oil production.
If you’re looking to improve the appearance of facial lines and wrinkles, there are a number of cosmetic treatments that deliver serious results. One of them, Botox, is widely used and well-loved for its ability to dramatically reduce the appearance of creases all over the face. And while there’s no question as to its efficacy in improving and even preventing the signs of facial aging, Botox may not be right for everyone.
Another treatment, Micro-Tox — also called skin Botox, baby Botox, mesobotox, and micro-Botox — is shares characteristics of traditional Botox but has a few significant differences. For those who want dramatic yet seriously natural-looking results, this newer treatment may be a good option.
Let’s take a look at the similarities and differences between traditional Botox and Micro-Tox, so you can decide which treatment is a better choice for your needs.
Micro-Tox is a microneedling procedure. The treatment both stimulates collagen production via the creation of micro-injuries and deposits small doses of anti-aging skin care products into the skin during treatment.
The primary anti-aging ingredient used in a Micro-Tox treatment is a neuromodulator. Typically, other ingredients include skin-nourishing nutrients, fillers, or PRP. However, the exact ingredient cocktail depends on the practitioner and the patient’s goals. The treatment is often referred to as an “instant facial” since it immediately reduces pore size, minimizes the appearance of fine lines, calms redness, removes oiliness, and deeply hydrates the skin.
Like traditional microneedling, Micro-Tox uses microneedles to induce tiny injuries in the upper layer of the skin. But unlike traditional microneedling, the needles used during this procedure are much thinner and smaller — smaller even than human hair.
Both Micro-Tox and Botox contain neuromodulators (aka neurotoxins) that come from the Botulinum toxin. These neuromodulators disrupt the release of acetylcholine, which is the neurotransmitter that prompts muscles to contract.
When this neuromodulator is administered to the facial muscles in a Botox procedure, it prevents those muscles from contracting as strongly as they normally would. As a result, it controls the appearance of existing dynamic wrinkles while helping to prevent the formation of new dynamic lines and wrinkles.
Although Micro-Tox and Botox both contain a neuromodulator that’s designed to minimize the appearance of lines and wrinkles, Micro-Tox is quite different from traditional Botox. During a Botox treatment, that neuromodulator is injected directly into the muscles to control their ability to contract.
During a Micro-Tox treatment, on the other hand, a microneedling device deposits very small doses of the neuromodulator into the skin (not the muscles) along with an anti-aging cocktail of ingredients. The combo of ingredients and the mode of administration yields near-immediate results and can dramatically improve the complexion by:
● Reducing pore size
● Minimizing redness
● Controlling oil production
● Smoothing fine lines
● Increasing skin hydration
Honestly, that’s a matter of opinion, and it really depends on what you are trying to address. For those who want dramatic, incredibly natural-looking results, Micro-Tox may be a better option. For patients who are looking to prevent the formation of dynamic wrinkles or address existing, deep lines and wrinkles, Botox injections may be a better option.